Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Folks, thank you for the terrific auditions just concluded. I am now in the process of shaking things out and finalizing a list. Before I do, though, here are some things you might want to know...
Normally I do not go in for the concept of double casting - putting more than one person in a role. This year, however, double casting appears to be the way to go in order to provide roles and continue to grow the program as our large group of seniors get ready to leave us.
I have approached Mr. Fernandez about the possibility of doing an invited performance for middle school students, during the school day - and he enthusiastically supported that. So the developing plan is to add TWO more performances - one middle school performance during the school day, and one weekend matinee. This would give us six performances - the performances might be shared 3-3, or might be split 4-2, depending on how the final cast makeup of the show develops.
Most of the shared casting will be in female roles because of the larger number of girls. I would expect the partners to work together to forge the role, but be able to keep the role unique to their own style. Some roles that feature more complicated dancing or specialized vocal needs will not be shared.
Most performers who work in a shared role will not appear on stage during the performances featuring their partner. This will better enable us to simply "plug in" actors to spots on stage and not lose valuable rehearsal time.
So when you do finally take a look at the cast list, look carefully to see if you've been assigned to share work with another.
You'll receive another message when the cast list is complete.

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