Tuesday, September 20, 2016


The Skin of our Teeth
Many thanks  to all of you who participated in auditions.  We have tried to find specific jobs for as many people as possible – if you don’t see your name please know that we want you to be involved somehow in the show – so please consider participating in one of the production crews that interests you!
If any changes to the cast are needed, we’ll notify you personally if an onstage spot for you develops – and that does happen once in a while!  Everyone who auditioned can be considered as a candidate to move into any open position that develops.
Please consult the hard copy of this notice on the Theatre Call Board in the Music Hall  - INITIAL by your name to accept your role assignment.
If for any reason you will not accept your role, please inform me ASAP in person.  Any personnel change will require us to do some shuffling, and it would make sense to do that right away.
We have an opening for at least one Assistant Director.  Ensemble members are welcome to volunteer!  See Mr. Smeallie if you are interested
The  mandatory  readthrough is Wednesday, September 21.  The call time is right after school – exact place TBA – come to the choral room 192 to start.
All casting and work assignments are based on the completion of all paperwork – application, contract and resume – by FRIDAY, September 23.  All CONFLICTS should be entered into VSM by that time as well.
Once again, thank you for the work and effort you’ve put in to the audition process.

CAST OF CHARACTERS – the skin of our teeth
(listed alphabetically by Actor)

Gladys……………………………………………………….....Zoe Ades ‘17
Casino Worker/Ensemble……………….……….……..Lia Appelman ‘19
Broadcast Assistant…………………………..……Bhairavi Bandekar ‘19
Beauty Contestant/Hester…………………………...…Aryana Briner ‘19
Beauty Contestant/Ensemble………..…….…….………Lila Feldman ‘20
Homer/Conveneer…………...………………………..…Steven Franco ‘19
Fitzpatrick…………………………………………….……Tom Fulton ‘17
Doctor/Lifeguard…………………………………………….John Gori ‘19
Professor/Conveneer……..……………………….….Jonathan Harris ‘19
Miss E. Muse/Beauty Contestant……………………...….Ellie Henley ‘18
George Antrobus……………………………….……..Samuel Intrater ‘18
Marley/Conveneer/Tremayne…………………………Edwin Johnson ‘18
Henry……………………………………………..……Dylan Kaufman ‘18
Casino Worker/Ensemble…….………………………….…Clare Kirk ‘20
Mammoth/Conveneer ………………………….……….Joey Lambert ‘20
Dinosaur……………………………………………………….Mia Lulli ‘20
Casino Worker/Ensemble………………………...….Cambria Lyness ‘20
Announcer/Newscaster/Broadcast Official….……Liam McCrickard ‘19
Miss T. Muse/Ensemble……………....……………..Angelica Moreno ‘17
Atlantic City Tourist/Ensemble……………...………..Sophie Nguyen ‘18
Atlantic City Tourist/Ensemble……………………..River Orellana ‘20
Judge/Chair Pusher Dude/Fred Bailey……….…….Austin Patterson ‘19
Fortune Teller………………………..…………….Jordanna Peronico ‘17
Beauty Contestant/Ivy….…………………….……..Adrianna Quaide ‘20
Sabina………………………………………...………Celia Richardson ‘18
Maggie Antrobus…………………………………….……Lucy Savage ‘17
Telegraph Boy/Conveneer…………….………….Philippos Sourvinos ‘17
Miss M. Muse/Beauty Contestant………………..……….Mia Soviero ‘20
George Antrobus………………………...…...………Austin Patterson ‘19
Maggie Antrbus…………..………………………….Adrianna Quaide ’20
Gladys…………………………………………...……….Lia Appelman ‘19
Henry……………………………………………………….Tom Fulton ‘17
Sabina………………………………………………...…….Ellie Henley ‘18
Fortune Teller……………………………………..……Aryana Briner ‘19
Fitzpatrick………………………………………...……Edwin Johnson ’18
Student staff
Supervising Student Director.....................................................................*Zoe Ades ‘17
Assistant Director………………………………………………………………..….Open
Stage Manager.....................................................................................Katy Ann Carr ‘17
Assistant Stage Manager..……………………..……….………...…..Sarah Haddad ‘19
Deck Captain………………………………………………...……Assetou Coulibaly ‘17
Construction Manager………………………………………….…….Zahava Frank ‘19
Administrative Assistant…………...…………………………….Stephanie Denedo ‘18
Artistic Designs…………………...…………………….…………..…Lucy Reardon ‘18
Lighting Manager…………………..….…………………….……......Bella Whiting ‘17
Associate Lighting Manager……………………………………...…..Devon McCoy ‘17
Props Manager….................................................................................Kaylah Lovitts ‘18
Sound Manager.......................................................................................Reilly Leaver ‘17
Business Manager………….………...………………….…....…..Jordanna Peronico ‘1
Publicity Manager………………...…….…………………………..Samuel Intrater ‘18
Makeup   Manager……..….………………………..……...……..…...Patricia Wall ‘17
Assistant Makeup Manager ……………………………………...……Beza Mersha ‘18
Costumes Manager……….…………………………………..…..….Aliza Horowitz ‘17
Logo Design……….....……………………………..….….......……...….Emilie Shoff ‘18
Logo Design………..……………………………..….….......……...….Wilder Childs ‘18
House Manager……….…….……………………………….…..….KaDasia Fostion ‘18
Box Office Manager…………………………………………………...Jessica Pierce ‘18
Videographer………………………………………………….……….Matthew Rice ‘18
Assistant Videographer…………..………………………………..Kathryn Starnes ‘18
·      Ensemble assignments are definitely tentative, dependent on the development of ideas, and subject to change!
·      We do intend to enlarge the group of refugees in Act 1 by a bit (we may possibly put together a group of more than 3 Muse sisters- only 3 are mentioned)
·      We hope to give understudies time and space to develop their parts and really learn the blocking and lines!

·      Some principals will be working on the opening film at times – along with some others who may be put into roles as indicated in the text